Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to Become a Feature Writer on an Online Writing Site

Most online writing sites have what is known as feature writers. This is a step above contributing writers. Feature writers are generally well versed in a particular topic. In some cases, this means more opportunities to earn revenue. It can also lead to greater exposure on a website.

I happen to be a feature writer for Xomba.com in the paranormal listed under their category of science and history. Click the link to see what the feature page in paranormal looks like. You’ll see how a feature writer is more promoted versus a contributing writer.

If interested in becoming a feature writer, a piece of advice is to first write some articles in the category in which you hope to be promoted to before applying for the position. This way the editors will see that you have knowledge in the particular category. You might also be asked to submit writing samples. Avoid anything too general and try to hone in on something more specific. Here’s an example of a feature article I have on Xomba:

Xomba is only one of many writing sites that have feature writers. Another is Suite101. The following articles have been written by different feature writers on this site:

Becoming a feature writer is a way to further your career in the world of online writing. Whether it means more money, exposure or both, it’s a way to advance yourself as a freelance writer.

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